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“臾 Erelong”杉山功个展

城市上海 - 上海
开幕2018-06-23 10:30:00
“臾 Erelong”杉山功个展,共14点击查看组图







I had a longing for the ancient times, when people in Japan would still adore the natural elements: the sun, a mountain, a tree, a big stone... In fact, in Japanese mythology, there are divinities with names such as: God of Sun, God of the Wind, the Tree, the Big Stone...

I believe that the ancient populations of the Far East, in opposite to the European civilisations, had a friendship-like relation with nature. On my arrival in Italy I perceived this difference and understood how deeply "Japanese" I am.

So I searched to express this longing and this way of living in harmony with nature, and suddenly I had got the idea which allowed to me to transfer this respect for these Gods by my artworks. I started to build empty and full spaces and above I placed roofs.

If nature is the expression of the supernatural, so I can believe in the existence of a superior intelligence which might be called God. I am using marble and wood because one of the themes which often recurs in my works is time.

I will try to explain myself better: When I came to Italy, the first town I saw, was Rome. The Colosseum, the Forums, the Thermal Baths of Caracalla. These monuments deeply impressed me because in their walls, instead of the wooden parts, there were only square holes left. Through these traces I could imagine their original aspect and became aware of the time passing by: namely, while time is passing, the relations between the parts in wood and the marble-ones change. Wood is a soft material which slowly gets darker, mouldy, it flakes, it rots and finally it disappears. On the contrary marble is resistant, even if it will be modified in the long run, becoming darker and erodes in the corners and there, where the marble has some defects, water may infiltrate and icing, it may even open some splits. Therefore, both the materials will suffer from the effects of time, but as this is happening in different ways, the relation between the two is changing continuously. Another theme I am trying to develop through my works is the relation between the structure, meant as a construction made by humans, and nature. In my works the roofs are the structure and the blocks of marble, scantily sketched, are representing nature.

--Isao Sugiyama

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