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她的前身--历史悠久的学校兰伯特·卡赫斯(Lambert Krahe)绘画学校于1762年成立,1773年由总统候选人卡尔·特奥多尔(Carl Theodor)接手创立杜塞尔多夫艺术学院。1819年,她成为在莱茵州的普鲁士皇家艺术学院。

位于杜塞尔多夫老城冰窖街1号(Eiskellerstrasse.1)的主楼是新文艺复兴时期德国的著名的建筑。主楼入口的台阶上刻有由因敏·堪普(Irmin Kamp)所提出的学院主旨:“给予我们学生的只有最好”。




The Düsseldorf Art Academy is a world-famous public art academy in Düsseldorf, the capital of North Rhine-Westphalia.

The predecessor, the historic school Lambert Krahe, was founded in 1762. In 1773, Presidential candidate Carl Theodor took over the establishment of Düsseldorf Art Academy. In 1819, it became the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Prussia.

The main building at Eiskellerstrasse. 1 in Düsseldorf's Old Town is the famous building of the Neo-Renaissance Germany. The entrance to the entrance to the main building is engraved with the subject of the school proposed by Irmin Kamp: "The best for our students".

Düsseldorf Academy is a university of art and artists. The college's artists (professors and graduates) enjoy a high national and international reputation. As early as the 19th century, many of the most famous artists graduated from this college. And in the first decade of the 20th century the college had already become the artistic center of modernism. Since the 1950s, the Düsseldorf Art Academy has also maintained an important position in the contemporary art scene.

Many important artists - Joseph Beuys, Paul Klee, Sigmar Polke, Heinz Mack, Otto Piene, Gerhard Richter... all come from this college, they occupy an important position in the history of world art, and have a profound impact on the development of world art. Some of the college's professors and graduates have also repeatedly set a record for the highest prices in the art market.

This seemingly inconspicuous and small school is one of the important birthplaces for the flourishing development of contemporary art in Germany and the world. To date, the Düsseldorf Art Academy has shown significant influence and artistic personality in the history of art.

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