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城市浙江 - 杭州

“方寸·万象——林海钟、沈浩、潘汶汛作品展” 将于2022年10月22日(周六)在杭州瀚阳艺术中心开幕。






The juxtaposition of the works of Lin Haizhong, Shen Hao and Pan Wenxun is like a three-facet diamond from the vast ocean of Chinese painting and calligraphy - between the flow of light and mutual reflection, the three facets outline a clearer spiritual portrait of traditional art in the modern era, not only deeply integrated with the essence of traditional oriental aesthetics but also have the spiritual energy of the times.


Unlike the geometric, rational, and symbolic thinking of Western aesthetics, Eastern aesthetics is poetic, sensual, and abstract in nature. After the May Fourth Movement, with the emergence of the vernacular movement, the essence of many traditions was cut off a century ago. To this day, the most systematic and recognizable traditions that still inherit the Eastern aesthetic are undoubtedly Chinese painting and calligraphy. Although in these two fields, as in contemporary art, there are some people eager to make a profit and fish for compliments, fame and credit, disturbing the ecology of art. However, after careful consideration, I believe there are still plenty of competent, accumulated and talented successors.


In the case of Chinese painting and calligraphy, for thousands of years, the materials of creation, such as brush, ink and rice paper, have not changed. What has changed is people, their perception, vision, and mind. With their respective brushes, ink and rice paper, three artists respond to Shi Tao's statement that "art should follow the times" in both form and spirit, and also successfully reveal their respective contemporary faces. Through their practice of painting and calligraphy, they perfectly connect the essence of Chinese tradition with the contemporary landscape of the times. With their exquisite brush and ink creations, the universe is revealed to show an unending inner power.


As above, so below. This "below" is both the reality of life, the constraints of the rules, and the artistic creation of Lin Haizhong, Shen Hao and Pan Wenxun. This "above" is every phenomenon on earth, all the objects in the world and everything in the universe, which is reflected in Lin Haizhong's scrolls of clouds, forests, lakes and seas, Pan Wenxun's landscape paintings of Dunhuang and Pompeii, and Shen Hao's calligraphy with smoothly curved.

In today's context of intelligence, pluralism, decentralization, and even the sweeping metaverse, it is remarkable that Lin Haizhong firmly believes that landscape painting is born of "nobility" and his efforts are directed toward the "source". Shen Hao, on the other hand, pursues the virtue of water, that "silently nourishes everything in the world without competing". For Pan Wenxun, he reveals the "immortality" of the figure through the brushstrokes and is not bound by the constraints of time and space. There is no doubt that the three artists and their series of fruitful creative practices have marked a unique vision and style for Chinese painting and calligraphy in our time today.

Lin Shuchuan

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